
Around her hair she wore a yellow ribbon. A thin, silky strip held her long blond hair in a pony tail. Her skin looked new, so white, as if it had been grown the day before. No sign of age, not a wrinkle or crease. Not a single imperfection in her complexion.

The sunlight seemed to fall in sheets of golden rain all around her. She was standing in a pine forest, in front of one of those trendy log cabins. It was a modern structure, the kind designed to look stylish and natural all at the same time. Huge picture windows and a high vaulted ceiling defined this brand of dwelling.

With her smiling face, skin so white and bright blue eyes, Jean looked as pure and virginal as Jack had ever known her. And he had known her back when she was virginal.

The scene made him happy. As happy and satisfied as he had ever felt. Alone with her, not a responsibility in the world. He could feel himself smile from as the warmth in his belly took to his whole body.

The door on the cabin came open and a man stood in the shadowed entrance. With an almost animal instict, something primal and hidden until needed, Jack knew this man was wrong. There was something unwholesome, something bent, about this man.

They both moved at the same time. Jean didn’t notice the man from the door, the man behind her, running up behind her. She was still smiling when the man from the door raised his arm in the air. The sun now seemed to pulse harsh light on the world. It shined fatally on the metal in the man’s hand, upraised, poised for Jean’s back.

Jack flapped his arms in desparation, his voice caught like a frantic rabbit caged in his throat. She still smiled.

The man reached her first and drove the blade into her. She stumbled forward into Jack’s arms. He caught her before she fell. She looked up at him, and even through the pain, could not help the smile on her lips at the sight of him. Jack always knew their love was as true as it came. He knew she was the one meant for him. He knew this man from the door had taken her away.

The man still stood there. Not moving. He simply stood looking over them both with a grin settling comfortably on his lips.
